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Let us know how we can improve. Vote on existing ideas or suggest new ones.
In upcoming releases
File Preview Panel components API
Maybe this is a bit far fetched, but let me explain: I'm currently writing a Kirby plugin to connect Kirby with a service for hosting videos (Cloudflare Stream, Mux, etc.). Since those providers use HLS streams, they require a custom media player
In upcoming releases
Panel: dark theme
I think it would be great to have a light / dark theme for the Panel shipped by default.
In upcoming releases
Merging site controller with page controller
This suggestion according to this conversation. Let's say you have a site controller (whetever in a plugin or not). Then the user creates a page controller.
In upcoming releases
Option to make Sunday the first day of the week on calendar picker
In the U.S., and other countries I'm sure, Sunday is always noted as the first day of the week on calendars. One of the complaints I hear from my customers is that it's hard to remap their mental model when picking dates. It would be great to have t
In upcoming releases
Custom header buttons for page/file/user view
Sometimes it would be very useful to add custom buttons to the panel header on specific templates, e.g. a link related to the current page (a filter page, a qr code, a different content representation and so on).
In upcoming releases
Chunked file uploads for the Panel
As it happens, many of our customers are using Kirby 3 on their webspaces with some limitations to PHP uploads. Some of them can't change max post filesize on their PHP.ini due to restrictions. Others are using CDN like proxies like Cloudflare which
In upcoming releases
Bulk edit or delete pages/files
A possibility to delete and/or edit multiple pages or files at the same time.
In upcoming releases
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